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    Newport Collection


    Rose Bouquet White

    • White - Rose Bouquet White
    Delivery is expected in April

    Product information

    A timeless classic that never wilts! A romantic bouquet of white roses that creates a botanical feeling in an entire room.

    The image shows inspiration for an arrangement where 3 bouquets have been used.

    • Newport

    • 53875

    • H: 22 cm

    Within the European Union Standard shipping is €9.90. Shipping for bulky goods is €69. Outside the European Union Standard shipping is $15. Shipping for bulky goods is $100. Normal delivery time is 5-15 working days if the item is in stock. If you order an item that is not in stock, we will notify you with a new estimated delivery time by e-mail.

    Use a feather duster or wipe to clean to maintain the plant's beauty and luster. The artificial plant is only for indoor use and has no extra UV protection.
