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    Newport Outlet Norrköping
    Newport Outlet Norrköping
    Newport Outlet Norrköping



    Varmt välkomna till en av Sveriges en av största premium-outlets. Upptäck 1700 m2 möbler, design och heminredning. Alltid med 20-70% rabatt.


    Newport Norrköping Outlet

    Welcome to one Sweden’s largest and most luxurious interior design outlets. A visit to Newport Outlet is an experience like none other. It is the perfect destination when you want to splash out on a special shopping weekend - and here you will enjoy 20-70% discounts on everything in the store. 1700 m2 of unique furniture, design and home furnishings in an inviting atmosphere.

    Opening Hours

    Monday - Friday 10-19
    Saturday 10-17
    Sunday 11-17

    Exceptional Opening Hours 2024:
    Good Friday 11-17
    Easter Saturday 10-17
    Easter Day 11-17
    Easter Monday 11-17
    Walpurgis Night 10-17
    May Day 11-17
    Ascension Day 11-17
    National Day 11-17
    Midsummer Eve CLOSED
    Midsummer Day CLOSED
    All Saints' Day 10-17
    Christmas Eve CLOSED
    Christmas Day CLOSED
    Boxing Day 10-17
    New Year's Eve CLOSED
    New Year's Day CLOSED

    011 - 443 39 90

    Find store

    Kromgatan 2 602 23 Norrköping
    Open in Google Maps
    Newport Outlet Norrköping
    Newport Outlet Norrköping
    Newport Outlet Norrköping
    Newport Outlet Norrköping
    Newport Outlet Norrköping
    Newport Outlet Norrköping
    Newport Outlet Norrköping
    Newport Outlet Norrköping
    Newport Outlet Norrköping